ASME B107.100-2020 pdf free
ASME B107.100-2020 pdf free.Flat Wrenches.
reversing lever: device to control the reversing ,iiechanism.
reversing torque: force to rotate the wrench in the ratchcLing or nonloading direction,
shifter: device to control the reversing mechanism. slotted box: box wrench end with .mn opening smaller than
the width across flats. See also flare nut wrent-h. (upIet wrench: ow n end w re ncli where he head or opening is thinner than stamidard wrenches to allow clearance to adjust valve trains.
worm pm: pin used to retain the adjusting wonn in the Irame
wornm spring: spring used to induce friction between the Iranw and adjusting worm for holding the adnsting worm in any preset position.
The following is a list 01 publications referenced in this Standard, The latest available edition shall be used.
ASME 11107.4, l)riving and Spindle Ends fiw Portable I land, Impact, Air, and Electric Tools (Percussion Tools Excluded)
ASME HI 07.17, Gages and Mandrels for Wre,wh Openings l’uhlisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 100 16.5990 (
ASTM HI 17, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM 11537, St,iiidard Practice for Rating of hiectroplated Panels Subjected to Atmospheric Exposure
ASTM 11571, Standard Practice for Qualitative Adhesion Testing of Metallic Coatings
ASTM 0968, Standard Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Falling Abrasive
ASTM E18, Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials
ASTM E92. Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials
Publisher: American Society br Testing and Materials
(ASTM International), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O.
Box (:700. West Conshohocken. PA 19428.2959
SAI J1703. Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid Publisher: SAE International. 400 Corn rnonwealth I)rivc, Wa rrendale. PA 15096-0001 (
(;LIide to I land Tools — Selection, S.ilety Tips, Proper Use antI Care
Publisher: I land Tools InstitLite (I ITt), 25 North Broadway. Tarrytown, NY 10591 (
Cteu, Type, dIl(l Classes of flat wrenches are shown in Table 4-1 and the applicable ligures indicated therein.
The illustrations shown herein ai descriptive and not restrictive; they are 1101 intended to preclude the mar10- (acture of wrenches that are otlwrwise in accordance with this Standard.
Wrenclws shall priwide a well—proportioned comlortable handgrip and be similar to the Figure to which reference is made. The engaging surfaces of the wrench openings shall he hiiished in a inooth and well— defIned manner.
Wrenches shall pass applicable tests in section 6. Conformance with marking and other requirements not determined by test shall be verified by visual examination.
When tested as specified, wrenches shall withstand the proof torque specified in applicable tables without Failure or perma nerit delormat ion (set) that might affect the (lurahility or serviceability of the wrenches.
U.S. Customary table values arc in indies unless otherwise specified. Metric table values are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Wrenches shall meet the dimensional requirements in applicable tables.
5.1 Design — Categories 6, 9, 39, and 40
5.1.1 Category 6 — Combination Wrench. Wrenches shall have one open end and one 15-deg offset box opening (Figure 5.1.1-1) and meet the requirements of Table 5.1.1-1 (Table 5.1.1-1M),
NOTE: Typical lengths are shown in Table S.1. 1-2 (Table 5.1.1. 2M
5.1.2 Category 9 — Box Wrench. Wrenches shall have two box ends (Figures through and meet the requirements of Table 5.1.2-1 (Table 5.1.2-IM).
NOTE: Typical lengths are shown in Table 5.1.2-2 (Table &1.2 .2t4).ASME B107.100 pdf download.