Home>ASME standards>ASME B18.8.2-2020 pdf free

ASME B18.8.2-2020 pdf free

ASME B18.8.2-2020 pdf free.Taper Pins, Dowel Pins, Straight Pins, Grooved Pins, and Spring Pins (Inch Series).
ASME B18.8.2 covers the dimensional and general data for taper pins, dowel pins, straight pins. grooved pins. and spring pins. Also included are Ippcn. dices providing siipplemeiitary iniorniation br (he drilling of holes for taper pins and the testing of pins in double shear.
1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in this Standard is not intended to imply that all the products descnbed arc stock production sizes. Consumers should consult with manniacturers concerning lists of stock production sizes.
1.2 Comparison With ISO Standards Since these are inch fastener standards, there are no comparable ISO standards.
1.3 Dimensions
Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are in inches. All dimensions shall apply before coating. Symbols specifying geometric characteristics are in accord with ASMI Y 1 45.
1.4 Options Where specified, options shall be at the discretion of the manufacture, u iiless otherwise agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser. Special materials, coatings, lubrication, or packaging requirements shall be specified by the purchaser.
1.5 TerminoLogy
For definitions of terminology not specified in this Standard, refer to ASMF BIH.12.
1.6 Referenced Standards The following is a list of publications referenced in this Standard. The latest edition shall he used.
ASME HIBiLI, Clevis Pins and Cotter Pins (Inch Series)
ASME B18.12, Glossary oi Terms for Mechanical Fasteners
ASME B18.18, Quality Assurance for Fasteners
3.8 Finishes
Unless otherwise specified, taper pins shall be furnished tinplated or uncoated. A lightweight oil may be used to inhibit corrosion in transportation. Other linishes, where required, shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturer au ci purchaser.
39 Workmanship
l’aper pins shall be free from burrs, seams, scratches, or nicks and any other defects affecting their serviceability.
3.10 HoLe Sizes
Under most circumstances, holes for taper piis require taper reaming. Recommended p cticcs covering the preparation of holes for installation of taper pins are contained in Nonmandatory Appendix A.
3.11 Designation
3.11.1 Taper pins shall be designated by the following data, in the sequence shown: product name (noun first), including class; size number (or (lecinlal equivalent); length (fraction or three-place decimal equivalent); material, and Protective finish, if required. See the following examples:
(1) Pin. Taper (Commercial Class) No. 0 x 3/44, Steel
(2) Pin. Taper (Precision Class) 0.219 x 1.750. Steel, Zinc Plated
4.1 Diameters
4.1.1 Size. hardened ground machine dowel pins are funiishied in two dianwter series: Standard Series having basic diameters 0.0002 in. over the nominal diameter. intended for initial installations; and Oversize Series having basic diameters 0.001 in. over the nominal (liameter, intended [or replacement use. For both series, the diameter shall be ground, or ground and lapped, to within ±0.000 1 in. of the respective basic diameters, as specified in Table 4.1.1-1.
4.1.2 Roundness. The outer periphery of hardened groi nd machine dowel pins shall con form to true round about the longitudinal axis of the pin within 0.000 1 in., when measured with equipment that will detect a lobed surface.
4.2 Ends
4.2.1 End Contours. The ends o’ hardened ground machine dowel pins shall be reasonably flat and perpendicular to the axis of pin. One end of pin shall he pointed aIId the other cud crowned to the dimensionS specified in Table 4.1.1 -1. On the pointed end, the edge formed by the surface of point an(l the end of pin may he slightly rounded or broken. Point Concentricity. For pins having nominal lengths equal to four times the basic pin diameter or longer, the concentricity between the diameter of point and the pin diameter shall he such that the minimum length of point on the pin is not less than 0.010 in. (see Figure B18.8.2 pdf download.

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