ASME NOG-1-2020 pdf free
ASME NOG-1-2020 pdf free.Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder).
1140 EnvironmentaL Conditions (Types I, II, and Ill Cranes)
1141 Radiation
(a) The purchase specification shall specif, the accumulated radiation dosage expected to be seen by the crane in the life of the nuclear facility.
(b) Components whose normal life could be reduced by the effects of the specified radiation shall be tabulated and submitted to the crane purchaser.
(c) Components whose failure, due to radiation, could result in loss of one of the single-failure-proof features that hold the load either shall be designed to withstand the specified radiation or shall have a specific replacement period. Where state-of-the-art is such that sufficient data are not available, periodic inspections shall be made by the purchaser to determine when replacement should be made.
1142 Temperature
(a) The purchase specification shall specify the following temperature requirements in the area where the crane operates:
(1) maximum operating temperature
(2) minimum operating temperature
(3) ambient temperature for motors
(4) maximum construction temperature
(5) minimum construction temperature
(b) The crane shall be designed to withstand the effects of the specified temperatures, or the limitations of the crane’s design concerning these temperature conditions shall be specified by the crane designer.
(a) Spray Systems
(1) If the crane may be subject to any spray systems, then the chemistry of the spray shall be specified in the purchase specification. Any restrictions on the use of materials due to the effects of the spray shall also be specified. Specifically, where a corrosive spray is present the possibility of 2 generation exists and, therefore, the use of exposed aluminum, magnesium, galvanized steel, and zinc is to be minimized.
(2) The crane shall be designed to withstand the effects of the specified spray and shall not use the specified restricted materials. Any limitations of the crane’s design concerning the spray condition and the use of any restricted materials shall be specified by the manufacturer prior to the manufacture of the crane.
(b) Pools
(1) lIthe crane’s load block and wire rope are to be immersed, then the chemistry of the pool shall be specified in the purchase specification. Requirements for the materials and lubricants of the load block and wire rope shall also be specified to ensure compatibility with the pool chemistry. In reactor and fuel pools, the lubricants shall basically be non-water-soluble and shall be free of halogenated compounds, halogens, mercury, and other deleterious materials.
(2) Load blocks and wire ropes that are to be immersed shall be lubricated with a lubricant that meets the specified lubrication requirements. Any limitations of the crane design concerning the pool chemistry and lubrication requirements shall be specified by the manufacturer.
1146 Clearances. The crane shall be designed to provide clearance between the crane components and the building and surrounding obstructions. At least 3 in. of clearance shall be provided between the highest point of the crane and the lowest overhead obstruction, after taking into account variables that affect the elevation of overhead structure relative to the crane, including but not limited to external loads such as snow and wind. The clearance between the ends of the crane and the building columns and other obstructions shall not be less than 2 in. with the crane centered on the runway rails. In addition, the crane must clear the obstructions when operational variables, including but not limited to maximum wheel float, crane skew, rail alignment, civil installation tolerances, and thermal expansion, are considered.ASME NOG-1 pdf download.