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ASME NTB-2-2019 pdf free

ASME NTB-2-2019 pdf free.Background Information for Addressing Adequacy or Optimization of ASME BPVC Section II, Division 5 Rules for Metallic Components.
1.3 Subsection HG Class A Metallic Core Support Structures
Section l7.4.4.l (i provides a bud overview of how the core support rules relate to the Subsection NG rules when creep effects are negligible and to the 1188 nile’. in BPVC Section III. Di’. ision 5 when they are not It discusses the difference’. for core support structures and pressure retaining structures with respect to bolting thigher allowable stresses t and testing and overpressure protection Inot required). ‘The odes for HPV(’ Section III. Division 5 core support stnwtures below the creep regime are in Appendix Will-Il. The elevated temperature rules when creep is signilicant are in 11GB-lOOt) to HGII-XOttO. The guidance for when creep is negligible is in Appendix HGB-IV.
tat Code Cases
N-290-l, Expansion Joints in (lass I, liquid Metal Piping, Section III, I)ivision I
Section 174.411.1 describes the incentive for the use of bellows, the issues addressed, and how they were resolved, including the more significant features. (Note: As the title of the (‘ode Case indicates, it has not been updated in some time and needs to reflect the establishment of BPVC Section Ill, Division 5 for high temperature reactor components.)
N-I2-l, Alternate (‘reep-Fatigue l)amage Enseinpe for 9(’r-I%Io.V Steel, Section III, l)isision S
Section 17.4,4.11.2 explains the justification and limitations for the use of a less conservative interaction intercept point (0.3. 0.3 on the creep-fatigue damage diagram for 9Cr- I Mo-V steel. INote: The reference to an intercept of tO. 1.0.10) should he (0.1, 0.01) for Lhe unmodified damage diagrami
S-Xol, Satisfaction of Strain limits for I)lsislon 5, Class A Coniponents at Elesated Temperature
Senke Using ElaMie-I’erfeetl Plastic Analysis; and N-)t62, Calculation ni Creep-Fatigue for
Di’. ision S. Class A Components at Elevated Temperature Service Using F,lastic-Perfectl Plastic
The discussion in Section ii explains the rationale, advantages, and supporting information for the application of an Elastic-Perfectly Plastic t”EPF’) hased analysis methodology for the evaluation of strain limit and creep-fatigue damage. Also of note isa revised, less conservative consideration of Level C esents.
1.5 Annotated List of Near and Long Term Tasks
Table 17.10 on the last page of Chapter 17 is an overview of near and long term goals br ekvated temperature metallic cotuponents that was developed front a series of whitepapeis and roadmaps front several years ago. it has been used for tracking various code des’elopment projects since. (knerally. it is in good agreement with current accomplishments and ongoing activities.ASME NTB-2 pdf download.

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