ASME QAI-1-2018 pdf free
ASME QAI-1-2018 pdf free.Qualifications for Authorized Inspection.
1-1.3.1 A documented Quality Program shall be established, implemented, and maintained by the AlA in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. The AlA Quality Program shall identify the activities to which it applies and shall provide for the planning, control, and accomplishment of activities affecting the quality of the AlAs implementation of duties and activities as described in applicable Parts of this Standard.
1-1.3.2 The AlA Quality Program shall, at a minimum. include the following parts:
(a) Organization. The Program shall document the organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and lines of responsibility for activities required for compliance with requirements of this Standard.
(b) Program Description. The Program shall describe the scope of the activities for which the Program applies. The scope shall include all requirements of the QAI-1 Standard for which the AlA Is accredited by the Society (or for which the applicant Is seeking Society accreditation as an Accredited Authorized Inspection Agency). The Program shall document the policies and describe the process for the implementation of the requirements of the QAI-1 Standard.
(c) Document Control. The Program shall describe the process for the review and revision of the Program. All changes to the Program shall be controlled and the process for review and approval of changes shall be specified. All changes to the Program require prior review and approval by the Society before implementation as required by 4-4(d). Further, the Program shall be controlled to ensure appropriate distribution to and use at the location(s) where the prescribed activity is performed.
(d) Training. The Program shall describe the process for the indoctrination and training of personnel respon. sible for implementing the Program.
(e) Records. The Program shall describe the process for records management. The description shall include measures to ensure that the records are controlled and maintained in a manner that prevents damage, deterioration, and loss. The AlA’s records necessary to verify compliance with this QAI Standard, except for personnel qualification records, shall be maintained for a minimum of 5 yr. The personnel qualification records. necessary to verify compliance with this QAI Standard, shall be maintained while the individual is providing AlA services and for a minimum of 5 yr after the individual ceases to provide AlA services.
U) Corrective Actions. The Program shall describe the process for the identification, review, and correction of a condition or activity that is not conducted in accordance with the Program. Corrective action shall be taken to preclude the repetition of nonconforming conditions. The description of the process shall include how corrective action is implemented, documented, and reported to management.
(g) Audits. The Program shall describe the audit process and shall include the following as a minimum:
(1) A comprehensive system of planned and periodic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance with applicable requirements of the QAI-1 Standard and the AlA Quality Program and to determine its effectiveness. The audits shall be performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibility in the areas being audited.
(2) Audit results shall be documented and the results shall be reviewed by management responsible for the area audited. Follow-up action including reaudit of deficient areas shall be taken where indicated.
(3) At least annually. the overall adequacy and elfectiveness of the implementation of the AlA Quality Program shall be reviewed and the results of the review documented and reported to management.
1-2.1 QuaLifications
The Supervisor shall be selected and designated as such by his employer. The Supervisor shall have the qualifications specified in 1-2.1.1 through 1-2.1.6.ASME QAI-1 pdf download.