ASME V&V 10-2019 pdf free
ASME V&V 10-2019 pdf free.Standard for Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics.
CSM plays an increasingly Important role in the design and performance assessment of engineered systems. Automobiles. aircraft, and weapon systems are examples of engineered systems that have become more reliant on computational models and simulation results to predict their performance, safety, and reliability. Although important decisions are made based on CSM. the credibility (or trustworthiness) of these models and simulation results is not often questioned by the general public, the technologists who design and build the systems, or the decision makers who commission their manufacture and govern their use.
What is the basis for this trust? The public and decision makers do tend to trust graphical and numerical presentations of results that are plausible and make sense, but their trust is founded on faith in the knowledge and abilities of the engineers and scientists who develop, exercise, and interpret the models. Those responsible for the computational models and simulations on which society depends so heavily are, therefore, keepers of the public trust with an abiding responsibility for ensuring the veracity of their simulation results.
Engineers and scientists are aware that the computational models they develop and use are approximations of reality and that these models are subject to the limitations of available data, physical theory, mathematical representations, and numerical solutions. Indeed, a fundamental approximation in solid mechanics is modeling the nonhomogeneous micro- structure of materials as a mathematical homogeneous continuum. Another approximation that Is commonly made includes assuming the sections of a beam remain plane during bending. Additionally, a significant approximation that must he made is the characterization of complex material behavior subject to extreme conditions. The use of these approximations, along with their attendant mathematical formulations and numerical solution techniques, has proved to be a convenient and acceptably accurate approach for predicting the behavior of many engineered structures.
Modelers need to ensure that their approximations of reality are appropriate for answering specific questions about engineered systems. The primary goal for the modeler is to establish that the accuracy of the computational model is adequate for the model’s intended use. The required accuracy is related to the ability of a simulation to correctly answer a question—ranging from a qualitative question that requires a simple ayes or ‘no response to a quantitative question that requires a numerical value in response. Accuracy requirements vary from problem to problem and can be influenced by public perception and economic considerations as well as by engineering judgment.
The truth of a scientific theory, or of a prediction made from such a theory, cannot be proved using deductive logic. However, scientific theories and subsequent predictions can and should he tested for trustworthiness by the accumulation of evidence. The evidence collected, corroborative or not, should be organized systematically through the processes of computational model V&V. V&V/IJQ addresses the issue of trustworthiness by providing a logical framework for accumulating and evaluating evidence and assessing the credibility of simulation results to answer specific questions about engineered systems.
2.1 Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this Standard Is to provide the CSM community with a common language, a conceptual framework, and general guidance for implementing the processes of computational model V&V. To this end, this Standard includes a glossary of terms. figures illustrating the recommended overall approach to V&V activities, and discussions of factors that should be considered when developing and executing a V&V program. In creating this Standard, the ASME V&V 10 Subcommittee benefited from the earlier contributions to the field of V&V by other groups, especially AIAA (ref. [2]), as well as by Oberkampf et at. (ref. [3]) and Thacker et at. (ref. [4]).
Three related documents (see Preface) have been or are in the process of being generated that provide details not presented in this overarching Standard. ASME V&V 10.1 describes a simple example of V&V to illustrate some of the key concepts and procedures presented in this Standard; ASME V&V 10.2 will address uncertainty within the V&V process; and ASME V&V 10.3 will provide an in-depth description of some of the metrics that can be used for validation comparisons and how to apply them.
To maximize the value to the engineering community, the ASME V&V 10 Subcommittee chose to write this Standard from the perspective of V&V for high-consequence computational predictions of complex engineering systems. However, the guidance provided here is also appropriate for simple applications, though it is understood that smaller budgets and lower risks will reduce the scope of the V&V effort. While the concepts and terminology presented here are applicable to all applied mechanics, the focus is on CSM.ASME V&V 10 pdf download.