CEI IEC 60512-2-1-2002 pdf free download
CEI IEC 60512-2-1-2002 pdf free download.Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 2-1: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests – Test 2a: Contact resistance – Millivolt level method.
This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail specification, is used for testing electromechanical components within the scope of IEC technical committee 48. This test may also be used for similar devices when specified in a detail specification.
The object of this test is to define a standard test method to measure the electrical resistance across a pair of mated contacts or a contact with a measuring gauge.
2 General measuring requirements
Measurements may be carried out with direct current or alternating current. For a.c. measurements. the frequency shall not exceed 2 kHz. In case of dispute, the d.c. measurements shall govern.
The accuracy of the measuring apparatus shall be such that the total error does not exceed 1 %.
3 Method of measurement
3.1 Measurement details
The contact resistance shall be derived normally from the voltage drop measured between the zones intended for connection of the wiring to the contacts at the points specified in the detail specification.
The contact shall not be operated while the measuring voltage is applied.
Care must be taken during the measurement to avoid exerting abnormal pressure on the contacts under test and to avoid movement of the test cables.
Where the connection points specified in the detail specification are not directly accessible, the resistance of the cable or wire used shall be subtracted from the measured value. The corrected value shall be recorded.
The contacts to be measured shall be chosen in accordance with the detail specification.
3.2 Test current and voltage
The test voltage shall not exceed 20 mV d.c. or peak voltage a.c. in order to prevent the breakdown of possible insulating films on the contacts.
4 Cycles de mesure
4.1 Mesures en courant continu
Un cycle de mesure consiste en:
a) application de la tension;
b) mesure avec le courant circulant dans un sens;
c) mesure avec le courant circulant dans le sens inverse;
d) debranchement de la source de tension.
4.2 Mesures en courant alternatif
Un cycle de mesure consiste en:
a) application de la tension;
b) prise de la mesure;
c) debranchement de la source de tension.
NOTE Sauf indication contraire, il convient de ne pas deranger le ou les contacts etablis entre la fin d’un essai precedent et I’application de la tension de cet essai.
5 Exigences
La valeur de la resistance de contact ne doit pas exceder, pour chaque mesure, la valeur prescrite dans la specification particuliere.
La mesure de la resistance de contact en courant continu doit etre la moyenne des deux valeurs obtenues avec le courant continu dans un sens et dans le sens inverse.CEI IEC 60512-2-1 pdf download.