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IEC 60092-504-2001 pdf free

IEC 60092-504-2001 pdf free.Electrical installations in ships – Part 504: Special features – Control and instrumentation.
4 General requirements
4.1 Dependability
Systems shall be suitable for the user, the task and the application.
System integrity shall be appropriate for the functions supported, with due regard to factors such as availability, reliability and maintainability.
4.2 Safety
Systems shall be designed such that risk of harm to persons or the environment is reduced to a level acceptable to the appropriate authority, both in normal operation and under failure conditions. Functions shall be designed on the tail-to-safe principle.
4.3 SegregatIon
Systems shall be designed such that failure of one component part or sub-system will not unduly affect any other system, sub-system or component and, as tar as is practicable, shall be detectable.
Protection (safety) functions shall be independent of control and monitoring (alarm) functions. As far as is practicable. control and monitoring (alarm) functions shall also be independent.
Standby systems, or other redundancy arrangements, are to be functionally independent.
4.4 Performance
Systems shall maintain specified levels of performance in operation, and where necessary.
under fault conditions.
Repeatability and accuracy shall be adequate for the proposed use and shall be maintained at their specified value during their expected lifetime and normal use.
Systems shall be stable throughout their operational range.
4.5 Usability
Systems shall be readily usable under all intended operating conditions and shall support effective and efficient operation.
Adequate safeguards against incorrect operation shall be provided.
4.6 Integration
Where safety of personnel may directly depend on correct system operation or failure, such systems shall not be integrated with, or be mutually dependent upon, any other system, except those providing complementary functions.
4.7 Development activities
Activities undertaken in the development process, from initial design through to eventual realisation,and any modifications in use thereafter, shall be planned and structured in a systematic manner, and are to be properly managed. Persons responsible for carrying out these activities shall be competent to do so.
Activities, scopes, responsibilities and competencies shall be documented.IEC 60092-504 pdf download.

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