IEC 61000-4-16-2015 pdf free
IEC 61000-4-16-2015 pdf free.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-16: Testing and measurement techniques – Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz.
The conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range d.c. to 150 kHz may influence the reliable operation of equipment and systems installed in residential areas, industrial areas and electrical plants.
Only those ports of an EUT which are likely to be subjected to the disturbances dealt with by this standard shall be considered for the application of its requirements.
The disturbances are typically generated by
• the power distribution system, with its fundamental frequency, significant harmonics and interharmonics;
• power electronic equipment (e.g. power convertors), which may inject disturbances into the ground conductors and earthing system (through stray capacitance or filters), or generate disturbances in signal and control lines by induction.
At the mains frequency and harmonics of the mains frequency, the disturbances are usually generated by the power distribution system (fault and leakage currents in the ground and earthing systems).
At frequencies above the range of harmonics of the mains frequency (up to 150 kHz) the disturbances are usually generated by power electronic equipment, which is often found in industrial and electrical plants.
The coupling of the source of disturbances with the power supply, signal. control and communication cables, transfer these disturbances to the ports of the equipment under test.
Because the coupling mechanisms defined above cannot be completely eliminated, it is necessary for equipment to have adequate immunity to the disturbances.
Depending on the type of installation, the disturbances may be classified as follows:
a) voltage/current at power frequency: d.c., 1623 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz:
b) voltage/current in the frequency range 15 Hz to 150 kHz (including the harmonics of the mains frequency).
This standard defines the test procedures for both the categories of disturbance defined above. The applicability of the tests should be defined in the product standard.
Annex A contains more information on the phenomena.
5 Test levels
5.1 General
The preferred range of test levels, applicable to equipment ports as a function of the different types and sources of disturbances, is given in 5.2 and 5.3.
The levels are given for the tests at the mains frequency (d.c., 162/3 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz) and in the frequency range 15 Hz to 150 kHz.
The applicability of each test shall be defined in the product standard.IEC 61000-4 pdf download.