IEC 61800-3-2017 pdf free
IEC 61800-3-2017 pdf free.Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods.
This part of IEC 61800 specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for powerdrive systems (PDSs,defined in 3.1).These are adjustable speed AC or DC motor drives.Requirements are stated for PDSs with converter input and/or output voltages (line-to-linevoltage), up to 35 kV ACRMS.
PDSs covered by this document are those installed in residential,commercial and industriallocations with the exception of traction applications,and electric vehicles. PDSs can beconnected to either industrial or public power distribution networks. Industrial networks aresupplied by a dedicated distribution transformer,which is usually adjacent to or inside theindustrial location,and supplies only industrial customers. Industrial networks can also besupplied by their own electric generating equipment.On the other hand, PDSs can be directlyconnected to low-voltage public mains networks which also supply residential premises,andin which the neutral is generally earthed (grounded).
The scope of this part of lEC 61800,related to EMC,includes a broad range of PDSs from afew hundred watts to hundreds of megawatts. PDSs are often included in a larger system.Thesystem aspect is not covered by this document but guidance is provided in the informativeannexes.
The requirements have been selected so as to ensure EMC for PDSs at residential,commercial and industrial locations.The requirements cannot, however, cover extreme caseswhich can occur with an extremely low probability.Changes in the EMC behaviour of a PDS,as a result of fault conditions,are not taken into account.
The object of this document is to define the limits and test methods for a PDS according to itsintended use.This document includes immunity requirements and requirements for electro-magnetic emissions.
NOTE1 Emission can cause interference in other electronic equipment (for example radio receivers,measuringand computing devices). Immunity is meant to protect the equipment from continuous and transient conducted andradiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. The emission and immunity requirements are balancedagainst each other and against the actual environment of the PDS.
This document defines the minimum EMC requirements for a PDS.
lmmunity requirements are given according to the environment classification.Low-frequencyemission requirements are given according to the nature of the supply network. High-frequency emission requirements are given according to four categories of intended use,which cover both environment and bringing into operation.
As a product standard, this document can be used for the assessment of PDS. It can also beused for the assessment of complete drive modules (CDM) or basic drive modules (BDM)(see 3.1),which can be marketed separately.
This document contains
.conformity assessment requirements for products to be placed on the market, and
recommended engineering practice (see 6.5) for cases where high frequency emissionscannot be measured before the equipment is placed on the market(such PDSs aredefined in 3.2.7 as category C4).
NOTE 2 The first edition of lEC 61800-3 identified that the intended use could require engineering for putting intoservice. This was done by the “restricted distribution mode”. Equipment formerly identified under ““restricteddistribution mode”is now covered by categories C2 and C4 (see 3.2).
This document is intended as a complete EMC product standard for the EMC conformityassessment of products of categories C1, C2 and c3, when placing them on the market (seedefinitions 3.2.4 to 3.2.6).
Radio frequency emission of equipment of category C4 is only assessed when it is installed inits intended location. lt is therefore treated as a fixed installation,for which this documentgives rules of engineering practice in 6.5 and Annex E, although it gives no defined emissionlimits (except in case of complaint).
This document does not specify any safety requirements for the equipment such as protectionagainst electric shocks, insulation co-ordination and related dielectric tests,unsafe operation,or unsafe consequences of a failure. lt also does not cover safety and functional safetyimplications of electromagnetic phenomena.
In special cases,when highly susceptible apparatus is being used in proximity,additionalmitigation measures can have to be employed to reduce the electromagnetic emission furtherbelow the specified levels or additional countermeasures can have to be employed toincrease the immunity of the highly susceptible apparatus.
As an EMC product standard for PDSs, this document takes precedence over all aspects ofthe generic standards,and no additional EMC tests are performed. lf a PDS is included aspart of equipment covered by a separate EMC product standard,the EMC standard of thecomplete equipment applies.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of theircontent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references,only the editioncited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (includingany amendments) applies.
IEC 60146-1-1;2009,Semiconductor convertors – General requirements and line commutatedconvertors – Part 1-1: Specifications of basic requirements
IEC 61000-2-2:2002,Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) – Part 2-2: Environment -Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
IEC 61000-2-4:2002,Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) – Part 2-4: Environment -Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances.IEC 61800-3 pdf free donwload.